Nepal Lion Trekking Pvt Ltd

  • Nepal Lion Trekking Pvt Ltd
Nepal is a country full of so many holiday opportunities. There are few countries in the world that can provide the diverse holidays and packages that Nepal can. It is recognized by many people as being one of the most beautiful and dramatic countries on earth. Eight of the world's fourteen 8000-meter peaks are found within Nepal including Mount Everest. Perhaps you love adventure, getting high up amongst the highest mountain range on earth or you maybe someone who prefers walking peacefully along a path in a quiet valley with enough time to discover and learn more about Nepala's rich cultural and religious heritage and traditions. You may enjoy exotic food, wild animals and tropical plants tasting special and delicious food, ...
Address Line 1
Thamel Amrit Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal, Bagmati, Kathmandu, Nepal, nepal
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