National Tea and Coffee Development Board

Government of Nepal accepted and adopted the National Tea Policy-2000 on 9th November 2002 which is a mile stone in the Tea development history of Nepal. Government of Nepal has accepted & adopted national Coffee Policy 2003. Government of Nepal has declared 15th Baishakh of Nepali calendar, which generally falls on last week of April, as National Tea day. Similarly, 1st Mangsir, which falls on mid-November, has been declared as National Coffee Day. In order to create different identity of Nepal Tea and Coffee in the international market, NTCDB has developed national emblems for Tea and Coffee. NTCDB, in co-ordination with Department of Postal Service and National Philatelic Bureau, has published postage stamp of Tea scenario and the symbol of National Tea Logo worth Rs 25.
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Bhakti Thapa Sadak, Kathmandu, kathmandu, bagmati, bhakti thapa sadak, nepal
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